Wednesday, 4 November 2009

It's starting to become silly...

It is starting to feel silly. Here are my latest findings on silly witted ( to not call him perceptively utterly uneducated on European matters) David Cameron, and they are pearls of ignorance. Please check it out(here, here and here). In his efforts to sound tough on the EU Cameron seems to go out of his way to say all the wrong things. Either that or he is serious about repealing most of EU legislation in the UK since Thatcher. Might as well do the right thing and use the provision of the Lisbon treaty to leave the Union, and join the EEA. It is getting to the point where the costs in terms of attrition caused by UK membership are outweighting the benefits from its contributions... The UK on the other hand will be giving up actually economic wealth for emotional benefits of being a stubborn naughty boy. Sure lets vote for the guy!! What's really bad is that the media really does a terribly bad job in the UK when it comes to covering the EU and they get away with it.

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