Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Mr Herman van Rompuy, President of the Council of the EU

This is why Van Rompuy might be a good president of the Council of the EU. Summary: Consensus builder; from a small, core EU country; Why does this matter? Because the EU does not need a big ego. The EU system is not about one country or institution imposing its will but rather about the ability of political actors to reach consensus. This is obviously a problem for a country like the UK, used to majoritarian decision making typical of its FPTP electoral system. Tough luck though. You can't accommodate 27 different countries by giving them a president that tells them what to think. A Belgian might just be the best thing that happened to the EU. After all, if you can manage Flemish and Wallons, that's probably as good a practice for a EU job as there is. Regarding Turkey? No worries. He is not the only one with a word on the issue as the HRUFAS also has a vote on the matter. Regarding Van Rompuy's ability to stand up to Hu Jintao and Obama, I believe that the weight of 500 million EU citizens and 13 trillion $ of GDP ought to do the trick. After all the EU is the biggest trading partner of both of those countries.

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